Friday 15 June 2012


Games recently purchased: 
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PS3)
  • Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
  • Lord of the Rings: War in the North (PS3)
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3)
  • Guildwars 2 (preordered) (PC)
Ok so initial impressions of each of these games: 

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

So, admittedly I never played the original one, but I noticed that this one seemed very popular in EB games recently. I figured 'Why not?' and decided to give it a go. 
The first cut scenes leave a bit to be desired with the graphics, but that's always a balancing act between quality and efficiency running the game. 
In the augmentation cut scene though, I was starting to find that this game was more of a mash-up of F.E.A.R. and Iron Man and Assassin's Creed. 

But still more to be played, although I hope it improves. Seems a bit...mehh at the moment. 

Final Fantasy XIII

I have previously attempted to play a Final Fantasy game, but I decided the dodginess of the gameplay was due to me attempting to play it on a DS. This time I've chosen one of the more recent games and have gotten it on PS3 in the hope that it will be more interesting and have a better gameplay experience. 
I haven't actually had an opportunity to play it yet, but I'm hoping it will be good, mostly due to the great reviews I've gotten from friends. 
Anyway, the trailer looks good, so I hope it'll keep me entertained. My brother certainly seems to enjoy it. He described it as being a bit like Bayonetta and Star Ocean. It's definitely a very stereotypical Asian game in any respect.

Lord of the Rings: War in the North

My brother got Aragorn's Quest on Wii not too long ago, and I quite enjoyed it. I have also previously played another DS game of Lord of the Rings that was also quite good (although DS is not a very good console). So for these reasons I decided that War in the North ought to be fairly decent. 
You can choose from playing as either the dwarf, Farin, the elf, Andriel or the ranger, Eradin. Of course, myself being a massive elven lore fan, I chose to play as Andriel (also the only female character). 
The gameplay is decent and gives you a basic tutorial in walkthrough. Each character has their own story, and they all work together to make their way through. 
The downside that I am seeing at the moment, however, is that there isn't much that is challenging or puzzling, which is something that I particularly enjoy in games (being a fan of the The Elder Scrolls, Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew). As far as I can tell, so far it is all about killing as many orcs as you can and beating your way to the next area. I have my hopes for this game though, especially with the soon release of The Hobbit. 
If you are interested in more information about the game, there is a really nice website that gives you the stories behind the characters and what's happening in Middle Earth, etc.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Yes, I am aware that this isn't exactly a new game, and I have played it before, but my brother really wanted to own a copy. Not that I mind too much. I quite enjoy playing zombies (in teams though, otherwise that's a bit scary). After having a lan party earlier this year with a team of four fighting zombies, it was certainly a game I quite liked. The campaign is quite short. And if you want more maps in zombies you need to buy them separately. It has been a very popular game though, and I'm sure you all know enough about it without me rambling. So here's the trailer. 

Guildwars 2

And finally, we come as we inevitably must, to Guildwars 2. I was a big fan of Guildwars when I was about 14 and me and a few friends all decided to get it and play together. This time around, me and ALL of my friends (worldwide) are planning on getting it and playing together. 
It's coming at a perfect (and not so perfect) time because of recently starting uni. As comes with the territory, I don't get to see all my old friends as much. And so, we decided, what better way to keep in touch than to go kick some Charr-butt together? 
In the original I enjoyed playing as a Ranger/Elementalist or a Mesmer/Ranger. In this new version we'll be allowed to choose a race and also our professions (not sure if duel professions will continue). I'm thinking I will definitely keep to my tradition of being a Ranger (although the new professions do interest me) and if I may duel I will probably choose Thief as my secondary profession (they look like they would go together quite well). My race will be Sylvari, they are almost Elven. I guess it's pretty clear, I love ranged weapons, primarily bows, and have a thing for elves (thank-you Tolkein). 
Because I preordered the game, I get a three day headstart on all those who haven't. (And I will definitely need it so as to not fall behind with my guy friends). 
There are also beta weekends frequently. The release date is still yet to be confirmed, but many people are saying September this year. Arenanet has said that they are conducting the beta weekends to make sure that everything is perfect, and so as long as there are improvements to be made, the release date will be postponed. The only way of deciding the date depends on the beta trials. 
Because of this no official trailer has been released, however there is a fanmade trailer with reasonable quality. 

Also, the Guildwars 2 website offers mini-trailers for skills each of the professions have and also a look over the games landscape. This definitely looks like the upgrade the original was in need of.

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